Having brokered over 24,000 residential lots in California, we are widely recognized as some of the most experienced land brokers in the business. With over 45 years in real estate development and land brokerage, we have a unique understanding of all aspects of the trade. Most important we add value for our clients in the complex transactions of land brokerage. This level of expertise, passion, dedication and service has kept our clients coming back and referring others.
Howard Hamlin
Howard's 45 year real estate career began in development and then switched to land brokerage. Over the last 28 years as a land broker, he has helped his clients sell over 15,000 residential lots. The prior 17 years he was on the management team for two development firms, building new home subdivisions and 1.2 million SF of office, industrial and retail projects. This experience, knowledge, vast data base of contacts and strong relationships enable Howard to fulfill his need to provide exceptional service and value to his clients. Howard's drive for excellence has enabled him to win 4 sailing World Championships. Howard obtained a business degree from Pepperdine University and has resided with his wife, Julie, in Long Beach for many years.
(562) 537-5840
BRE# 00824557
Hamlin Gooding has represented the largest names in the land business from Financial Institutions, Public and Private Home Builders, Land Owners, and Investors. We are driven, and passionate about doing an extraordinary job for our clients while looking out for their best interests.
"I have known Howard more than 20 years and worked with him in the same company (Premier Homes & Premier Business Properties) during several of those years; therefore, I experienced directly that he is, in general terms, an outstanding operator, honest, reliable, and ethical. I am sure that his exceptional sailing performances and world titles are the best guides for him to practice impeccable gentleman ship, in his daily business dealings. With Howard, honesty rhymes with efficiency. "
- Olivier Mitterrand, Chairman LNCSA France
Parent Company of Premier Homes and Premier Business Properties
“Howard is the most experienced, professional, organized, and tenacious broker in the business. As a past division president for an international residential and commercial builder, Howard’s background sets him apart from all other brokers. When listing land for sale, Howard is our first choice.”
- Rich Welter, Vice President of Land Acquisitions
John Laing Homes
“Howard is the perfect bank REO manager’s land broker. He has excellent contacts, experience, integrity, systems, market knowledge and the ability to provide what our bank needs. Without over promising, he delivers top value, quickly and helps me do my job.”
- Rich Blogg, REO Asset Manager
Bank of America
“By far, in all of my years as first a real estate professional and then as a lawyer (around 25), I have never worked with a broker of your caliber. You were straight, responsive, pragmatic, personally dedicated to every detail of the sale process and the ensuing transaction, and above all, tremendously effective in dealing with the client and multiple interested as well as adverse parties. I don’t believe that any other broker could have handled the matter quite like you, which required a great deal of finesse, intuition, and just plain hard work to get through the sale process and close the transaction in such a short (less than 2 month) time frame.”
- Loretta Thompson, Partner
Loeb & Loeb LLP
“I have know and dealt with Howard Hamlin for twenty years. In business, sailing, and social activities, I find him to be one of the hardest charging and most successful people I have known. Howard is a world class sailor and in my opinion, one of the best land brokers in the L.A./Ventura area.”
- James P. Warmington, President
Warmington Homes
“I have never met a more experienced broker. Howard knows more about real estate development than most in the industry. We benefit from his outstanding ability to evaluate property and give us sound advice.”
- Andrew Zinn, Vice President, Special Assets Group
U.S. Bank